
Top 5 Innovative Content Creation Ideas for the Hotel and Travel Industries

April 20, 2023
Talk Agency
Love it to loathe it, content is at the centre of the ever-spinning marketing multiverse. It's the sun that all other components spin around - the gravitational force that holds everything together in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

For the hotel and travel industries, content creation is essential. It's a way to build an emotional connection with potential customers. To tell stories, evoke emotions, and create a sense of belonging - and as a way to showcase the personality of a brand that differentiates it from its competitors.

Creating content is about creating the fuel that drives search engine algorithms, making it important for SEO both local and global. It can be used to educate customers, build trust, and encourage them to take action - all things that help get bodies into beds and money-spending visitors into local businesses.

If you’re thinking about ways to boost your hotel's content creation efforts but are not 100% sure where to get started, here are a few inspired ideas we’ve plucked from the frontal lobe.

  • Interactive 360° virtual tours: Offer an immersive virtual experience of hotel rooms and facilities for prospective guests.

  • User-generated content campaigns: Encourage guests to share their experiences at your hotel, and showcase this content on your website and social media pages.

  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with travel bloggers and influencers to create content that showcases your hotel and the surrounding area.

  • Live stream events and activities: Offer live streaming of events, activities, and excursions to give prospective guests a taste of what it's like to be at your hotel.

  • Storytelling through video: Create short films that tell the story of your hotel, its history, and the experiences guests can expect to have there. This could include guest testimonials, staff profiles, and behind-the-scenes tours.

Interactive 360° Virtual Tours

If you’re on the lookout for ways to give potential guests a truly immersive experience of your hotel, then look no further than interactive 360° virtual tours. 

Virtual tours offer an incredibly realistic and engaging way for prospective guests to explore your hotel rooms and facilities from the comfort of their own homes (ultimately driving them to become actual guests). 

By providing an interactive tour of your hotel, guests can get a much better understanding of what to expect when they stay with you. Imagine the story you could tell with an immersive virtual tour of your hotel from any angle. Give guests the opportunity to explore hotel rooms, take a look at the facilities, and get a feel for the atmosphere of the hotel before they arrive. You can up the ante by letting guests take a virtual walk through the lobby and other public areas too.

The interactive nature of these tours lets you showcase special features of your hotel, such as a spa, pool, or restaurant. You can also highlight any amenities that you offer, such as complimentary breakfast or free Wi-Fi. An interactive 360° virtual tour of your hotel won’t only give guests a better understanding of what to expect when they stay with you - it can also help increase bookings and ensure guests get a real feel for your hotel before arrival.

User-Generated Content Campaigns

User-generated content (UGC) campaigns are a great way for hotels to engage with their guests, helping you create a sense of community and familiarity. By harnessing the power of user-generated content, hotels are able to create a more authentic and personalised experience for their guests (both old and future) -  making creating content from a customer perspective a must.

For hotels, user-generated content campaigns can be a great way to showcase the unique experiences that their guests have had. As an example, you could create a hashtag campaign encouraging guests to share their favourite photos and stories from their stay. This could be used to create a gallery of images and stories that showcase the unique experiences that guests have had at the hotel.

One of the biggest plus points of UGC is that it’s typically a completely free way to showcase your facilities and amenities from the most trusted source of all - paying guests. By harnessing the power of user-generated content, hotels have the power to create a more authentic and personalised experience, while increasing brand awareness and visibility.

Influencer Partnerships

By partnering with influencers, you can create content that is both engaging and informative - all while tapping into a whole new audience that is ready and waiting. Influencers have a unique perspective that can help to capture the attention of potential customers via a variety of media formats.

The key to successful influencer partnerships is to find influencers who have a genuine interest in your business and the travel industry. It’s important to find ones who are knowledgeable and passionate about the topics you’re discussing.

Once you’ve identified the right influencers, you can start to generate content ideas for them to work on. You can create content that is both inspiring and informative that can help to build trust with customers and encourage them to book with you.

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Live Stream Events and Activities

When it comes to content creation, live streaming events can be used to showcase your hotel, give virtual tours, or even host virtual happy hours. This is a great way to keep your customers connected and engaged with your brand until they can physically be there. 

The great thing about live-streaming events is that it doesn’t require much in the way of technology or know-how. All that’s needed is a fast WiFi connection and a decent camera. You can also use live streaming to offer travel tips and advice or even host virtual travel seminars. A few other ideas include:

  • Virtual tours of your hotel or resort.
  • Live Q&A sessions with your staff.
  • Live kitchen demonstrations. 
  • Live fitness classes. 
  • Virtual happy hour. 
  • Live music performances. 
  • Live travel advice. 
  • Live game nights. 

These are just a few of the many live-stream events and activities that the hotel and travel industries can offer. Live streaming is a great way to engage with your customers and provide them with an interactive experience. With the right strategy and creative ideas, you can create a memorable experience for your guests and keep them coming back for more - and in person at some point too.

Storytelling Through Video

Storytelling through video is a brilliant way to engage customers and create an emotional connection with them. Video can be used to show off the unique features and experiences that your hotel or travel destination has to offer. It can also be used to tell stories about your customers and the experiences they have while staying with you or visiting your destination.

Take the opportunity to showcase local scenery, the unique culture, and the amazing experiences they can have when they stay with you or visit your hotel. Show off the unique amenities and services that you offer, as well as the wonderful people who work for you and make your hotel or destination special.

Video can also be used to tell stories about your customers and the experiences they have while staying with you. Use it to showcase customer reviews, highlight customer experiences, and share customer stories. Video can be a mighty tool for the hotel and travel industries, and can help to create an emotional connection with customers that will last a lifetime.

Partner With The Experts

At Talk Agency, we know that curated social media strategies and content are the keys to success when it comes to generating leads, driving sales, and increasing brand exposure. That's why we offer out-of-this-world social content creation strategies that will help you take your business to the next level. We get that different audiences require different approaches, so we develop custom strategies that are tailored to your target market. 

Our team of digital experts will work with you to create a social media presence that will help you stand out from the competition. We'll create eye-catching visuals, compelling copy, and engaging videos that will help you capture the attention of your audience. We'll also use data-driven insights to ensure that your content is optimised for maximum impact.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's Talk!

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