Inside Talk

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

June 10, 2021
Talk Agency
For many businesses, their online presence makes all the difference between generating leads and sales or letting their competitors take the top spot. With a constant stream of algorithm changes, rules to follow, best practices and user behaviours – keeping on top of your marketing efforts can be more than challenging.

For this reason, it’s not uncommon for businesses to outsource their digital marketing to a professional digital marketing agency – and the right digital marketing agency can see your R.O.I head in the right direction. Instead of trying to train employees month after month, you can tap into the knowledge and expertise of SEO, SEM, PPC, Dev and Copywriting specialists who make the success of your business, their business.

So if you’re wondering if you should hire a digital marketing agency to take care of your online presence? Here are a few reasons why that answer is yes!

Access Advanced Digital Marketing Skills

Building a team of in-house digital marketing experts is not only expensive but also extremely time-consuming. To truly understand today’s world of digital marketing, you’ll want members on your team that have been around for years. Why? Because much of what’s practised today was built by those who were working in digital a decade ago.

Typically, most businesses won’t want to pay for a team of specialists in-house if they only need their services a few times a month. Costs can creep up and re-training can take a lot of time. A specialised digital marketing agency will have a broad range of members spread out across different roles – bringing the perfect mix of expertise and knowledge to create campaigns that deliver.

Basically, a single business will usually find having a team of digital marketing specialists to be expensive, time-consuming and cumbersome. An actual digital marketing agency will work with many businesses and across many industries throughout the year, meaning their skill sets and knowledge are constantly improved and up to date. You can access the skills you need without needing to create a whole new division.

Get More Out of Your Budget

Tracking spends across all of the different marketing platforms is a job in itself. But with that aside, there’s also knowing how much to spend, when’s the best time to focus your energies, how much to aim for as an R.O.I, what keywords to target and so much more.

When going in blind and not really sure of what to do, chances are that you’ll be spending good money after bad. Add on the time and costs involved with tracking conversions, optimising and modifying campaigns and establishing a budget and your management and reporting processes get quite complex.

As a digital marketing agency will work with a book of other clients throughout the year – they will have the knowledge and advanced processes to streamline procedures. This, in turn, enables you to set your budget and goals and let them do the hard work for you.

Watch as Your Business Grows

A well-organised digital marketing strategy will drive growth across your business, helping it to expand and reach new targets. The way that this works is multi-faceted. Firstly, with a dedicated team of SEO and SEM specialists on your side, you’ll be able to create campaigns to work for you, bringing in endless sales and conversions opportunities.

Copywriters can create fresh and unique copy that targets organic growth and ranking, establishing your brand voice across multiple channels. Your entire site can be optimised to cater to increased growth and revenue opportunities and campaigns expanded as your business expands.

As a team of specialists take care of the digital marketing side of things, you can focus your energies and efforts on other important aspects of the business. Without needing to worry about sales reports, keyword research, campaign optimisations, etc, you can grow your team further into their own unique roles within the company.

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Hit Your Targets and Deadlines

When dealing with digital marketing in-house, it’s easy for things to fall behind. From missing deadlines to going over budget, you’re much more likely to let things slide if you’re in charge of them. When you outsource to a digital marketing agency, you’re not only paying for their time and expertise but also to have a service delivered at an agreed time.

Having a variety of redundancies in place to ensure deadlines are met is also important. As an example, at TALK, we have 40+ members working across SEO, SEM, Design, Web Development, Social Media Marketing and PPC who understand their area of expertise, inside out. We also have automation in place using technology and software to ensure nothing is left behind.

Another benefit you can enjoy is the advanced planning and strategising that goes into every element of digital. From developing content and copy to streamlining your UX and user experience, you can build a strategy that fits you and your business and not the other way around.

Focus Your Energy on Other Areas of Business

If it’s not clear already, one of the biggest benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency is that it makes it easier for you to focus your and your team’s energies on more productive areas of your business. As your marketing campaigns start bringing in more leads, sales and conversions, you’ll be able to provide top-notch customer service and after-sales care that helps you stand out from your competitors.

The additional revenue generated can be used to expand different teams and departments, grow your business and provide a safety net for your future endeavours. By choosing the right digital marketing agency to team up with, you can reduce your outlays, increase your revenue and focus your energy on taking your business to a whole new level of success.

Start a Convo, Today

At TALK, digital marketing and service excellence is our lifeblood. Our team of highly skilled SEO, SEM, Dev, Design and Copy lead the way when it comes to the latest strategies and techniques. When you work with us, you’re not just hiring a digital marketing agency to help you grow your business – you’re building a relationship with some of the best marketers in the industry.

We’re driven by results, making the success of your business our business. Better yet, we sweat the small stuff so you don’t have to. Ready to discover the difference of a white-hot digital marketing agency? Start a convo today and get ready to supercharge your success with the professionals by your side.

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