
The do’s and don’ts of social media strategy

January 15, 2017
Talk Agency
Social media marketing can be very hit and miss. In an environment characterised by open dialogue and transparency, one incorrect move could spin your brand into a whirlwind of negative publicity.

There are some common social faux pas that brands are often known for making, and, fortunately, various rules-of-thumb to prevent such instances from arising. These suggestions include to:

1.    Develop one personality for your brand to avoid confusing fans

2.    Avoid paying for Facebook ‘likes’ as this cheapens your brand

3.    Avoid ‘liking’ your own comments as it appears self-absorbed

4.    Respond quickly to user comments so fans are not kept waiting

5.    Avoid deleting negative comments- instead be open, honest and willing to engage in a conversation

6.    Create your own content rather than taking credit for other brands’ ideas

7.    Engage in human conversation with your fans as opposed to overloading their brains with facts.

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