
How to Optimise Your Website Images For Better SEO

December 15, 2023
Thais Alberichi
SEO Manager
In this exciting (if not exhausting) digital age, creating a robust online presence isn't just a choice — it's a necessity. Whether you're running a business, selling your soul in the name of fame, or simply growing your side hustle to see you through the current cost of living crisis, there are a few rules we all need to follow.

In this exciting (if not exhausting) digital age, creating a robust online presence isn't just a choice — it's a necessity. Whether you're running a business, selling your soul in the name of fame, or simply growing your side hustle to see you through the current cost of living crisis, there are a few rules we all need to follow. 

One of these rules, and a true superhero in this online world, is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Which, surprise surprise, holds the key to making you and your brand shine brightly in the eyes of potential visitors. From ALT tags to the art of backend naming, and image compression to the finesse of 'lazy loading,' we've got all you need to get started on your SEO image makeover. 

So, without further ado, let's dive into the action!

1. Choose the Right Image Format

Choosing the best image format for your website's content is a hugely important step in better  image optimisation. Understanding the characteristics of common formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG isn’t just a good idea, it is essential. 

  • JPEG is suitable for photographs due to its efficient compression.
  • PNG is ideal for images with transparency, like product spotlights. 
  • GIF is best for simple animations and memes.
  • SVG for vector graphics and logos ensures scalability without quality loss. 

Striking a balance between image quality and file size is key, and experimenting with different formats and compression settings can help you find the optimal solution. 

Also, don't forget to stay updated with newer formats like WebP and regularly review and update your image formats to ensure your website loads quickly and looks its best.

Size Images Correctly

Resizing images correctly for their intended use is a fundamental aspect of image optimisation. It starts with understanding where and how you plan to incorporate each image on your website—whether it's for a hero banner, a thumbnail, or a product showcase. 

When resizing, always maintain the image's aspect ratio to prevent distortion, and utilise image editing software to precisely adjust dimensions while optimising for web use. For efficiency, consider batch resizing if you have multiple images to work with. 

After resizing, saving the image in the appropriate format (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and optimising its file size through compression settings further ensures optimal performance. Regularly reviewing and updating image sizes in line with design changes and best practices is essential for a consistently optimised website. 

Use Descriptive File Names

Assigning meaningful file names to your images is a fundamental aspect of effective image management. This practice involves providing descriptive and context-rich names to your image files, making it easier for both humans and search engines to understand the content. 

Instead of generic names like "image001.jpg," opt for names that convey the image's purpose or subject matter. For instance, if you have an image of a red sports car, naming it "red-sports-car.jpg" offers clarity and relevance.

These descriptive file names not only enhance your website's organisation but also contribute to improved SEO as search engines can better interpret the image content, ultimately benefiting your website's discoverability and user experience.

Add Alt Text

Adding descriptive and informative alt text to your images is an essential practice for web accessibility. Alt text provides a textual description of an image, allowing screen readers to convey the image's content to users with visual impairments. 

When creating alt text, aim to be concise while providing a clear understanding of the image's purpose or information. Prioritise accuracy and relevance to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can fully engage with your content.

Compress Images

Image compression is a vital technique to strike a balance between visual quality and fast loading times. By compressing images, you can significantly reduce file sizes, resulting in quicker webpage loading and improved user experience. 

Various tools and software are available for optimising image compression, allowing you to fine-tune settings to achieve the desired balance between image quality and file size. Regularly optimising images across your website can lead to faster load times, reduced bandwidth usage, and happier visitors.

Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a smart strategy to enhance page loading speed and efficiency. Rather than loading all images at once, lazy loading loads images progressively as users scroll down the page. 

This technique not only improves initial page load times but also conserves bandwidth, particularly for long pages with numerous images. By using lazy loading, you can deliver a more responsive and user-friendly website experience, especially for mobile users and those on slower internet connections.

Ensure Responsiveness

In today's multi-device landscape, ensuring that your images adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions is crucial. Responsive images automatically adjust their dimensions and file sizes to fit the user's device, whether it's a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

This adaptation preserves image quality and readability, providing an optimal viewing experience for all visitors. Incorporating responsive image techniques into your website design helps guarantee that your content looks and functions flawlessly across a wide range of devices.

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Use a CDN

Leveraging a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a powerful strategy to enhance image delivery and overall website performance. CDNs distribute your images across multiple servers worldwide, reducing the distance between the user and the server, which results in faster load times. 

This global network optimises the delivery of images, ensuring that visitors from various geographic locations experience quick loading and smooth browsing. Implementing a CDN can be a game-changer for image-heavy websites, especially if you aim to provide a consistently fast and reliable user experience.

Mobile Optimisation

In today's mobile-centric world, optimising images for mobile devices is non-negotiable. Mobile optimization involves tailoring images to fit smaller screens, ensuring they load quickly and display correctly. Implement responsive design principles to adapt image sizes and formats for mobile users. 

Prioritise lightweight image formats and minimise the use of large images to prevent slow load times on mobile networks. Ensuring mobile-friendly images is key to engaging mobile users and delivering an excellent mobile browsing experience.

Include Relevant Metadata

Image metadata provides valuable contextual information about an image, such as the title, description, copyright details, and author information. Adding metadata to your images not only aids in content organisation but also assists search engines in understanding and categorising your images correctly. 

Including comprehensive metadata helps improve image search results and enhances the overall SEO of your website. Take the time to add relevant and accurate metadata to each image, contributing to a more organised and discoverable digital asset library.

Schema Markup

Schema markup for images involves using structured data to provide additional context about your images to search engines. This can include information like image type, subject matter, location, and more. 

Implementing image schemas helps search engines better understand the content of your images, leading to improved visibility in search results and potential inclusion in rich results like image carousels. 

By incorporating schema markup into your image optimization strategy, you can enhance your website's SEO and increase the chances of attracting organic traffic.

Remove Unnecessary Images

Regularly reviewing and removing unnecessary images from your website is a prudent practice. Over time, websites can accumulate redundant, outdated, or low-quality images that clutter your server, consume storage space, and potentially degrade user experience. 

Perform periodic audits to identify and delete such images, ensuring that your digital asset library remains organised and optimised. Removing unnecessary images not only improves website performance but also streamlines content management, making it easier to find and work with the images that truly matter.

Pass The Hard Work to The Pros

Basically, optimising your website images is a vital (if not downright essential)  step in enhancing both SEO performance and user experience. By following the nifty little strategies listed above in this article, you'll be well on your way to faster loading times, improved search engine rankings, and a more engaging website. 

However, if you're looking to take your digital presence stratospheric with the guidance of a highly experienced team of SEO, content, copy, and marketing experts, then look no further than us at Talk Agency.

More than just digital marketing mavericks, we’re also seasoned professionals ready to help propel your website to new heights. We’re here to ensure it stands out in the competitive online landscape — which is where we truly shine.

Get in touch today and start your journey toward supercharged digital success!

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